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Startup Budget

Basic Startup Needs - $40,000

  • Professional Website - $1,500

  • High Attendance Webinar Platform - $5,000

  • Marketing Firm and Ads - $15,000

  • Lawyer - $1,500

  • Insurance - $600

  • Library Classroom Rental - $2,000

  • Office/Utilities - $11,900

  • Equipment - $2,500

Reasons to Help

The reasons for helping vary as much as the individuals who want to aid others. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of the motivations behind supporting Sexess:


1. Duty: Many individuals feel a sense of responsibility to contribute to the community and help those in need.


2. Values or Morals: Some people align their actions with their principles and beliefs, recognizing the importance of supporting organizations like Sexess.


3. Agreement with the Cause: Individuals who deeply believe in the mission and goals of Sexess are motivated to contribute because they wholeheartedly support the cause.


4. Religious Views: Faith can serve as a driving force for individuals to help others, guided by their religious teachings and beliefs.


5. Personal Experiences: Those who have personally witnessed or been affected by sex crimes or domestic violence have a firsthand understanding of the significance of the work done by Sexess.


6. Emotional Satisfaction: Helping others can bring profound emotional fulfillment and happiness to individuals, as they experience the positive impact they are making.


7. Improved Reputation: In addition to personal satisfaction, supporting Sexess can enhance one's standing in the community and establish a positive reputation.


8. Approval of Impact or Programs: Individuals who recognize the effectiveness and positive influence of Sexess are compelled to contribute to its initiatives.


9. Setting an Example: By supporting Sexess, individuals can encourage others to get involved and contribute to the cause, inspiring a ripple effect of assistance.


10. Community Spirit: Supporting Sexess fosters a strong sense of community and solidarity, as individuals come together to combat sex crimes and domestic violence.


11. Passion for the Cause: Some individuals are deeply passionate about addressing the issues surrounding sex crimes and domestic violence, motivating them to support Sexess.


12. Deductions: In some cases, individuals may be motivated to contribute to Sexess for tax and financial benefits.


13. Meaningful Impact: By supporting Sexess, individuals can make a genuine and lasting difference in the lives of victims of sex crimes and domestic violence.


14. Making the World a Better Place: Supporting Sexess contributes to the collective effort to build a more informed and compassionate society, striving to create a safer environment for everyone.


15. Purpose: Many individuals seek a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives, and supporting Sexess can fulfill this need by working towards a worthy cause.


While Sexess may not be able to address everyone's concerns, we strive to provide transparency, connection, trust, and meaningful engagement to all those who choose to support our cause.

Use of Funds

All funds not designated for overhead will go towards supporting victims on a case-by-case basis. We recognize that each client has different needs, such as covering moving expenses or legal fees. Some victims may require emotional support instead of financial aid. If the demand for emotional support exceeds our capacity, we may hire more staff. Our main goal is to provide comprehensive services to victims.



We will hire a professional marketing firm to handle our advertising and marketing. This includes target market identification, ad design, and ad placement. We believe that entrusting these areas to experienced professionals will yield the best results.


The following firms have agreed to contract with us for $3,000 each - Commando for PPC Ads and Nati for PR. 


Spending Breakdown

The Projected Profit and Loss statement provides a comprehensive overview of our financial projections for 2024. Our projected Revenue is $38,999,900, with Costs of $208,332 and Expenses totaling $4,379,332. This results in an Operating Income for victims services of $34,411,748. We anticipate providing assistance to approximately 4,588 individuals at an average cost of $7,500 per client. This demonstrates the significant impact we aim to make in supporting victims of sex crimes and domestic violence.


All funds not designated for overhead will go towards supporting victims on a case-by-case basis. We recognize that each client has different needs, such as covering moving expenses or legal fees. Some victims may require emotional support instead of financial aid. If the demand for emotional support exceeds our capacity, we may hire more staff. Our main goal is to provide comprehensive services to victims.


Our education and training expenses include textbooks, visual aids, and models, which enhance the learning experience for our beneficiaries.


To achieve the best online participation in our classes, we need a powerful webinar platform. It's important to have the right tools for recording and editing content, such as computers, cameras, software, lighting equipment, and lesson planning software.



Our official launch will begin with the highly anticipated Sex Challenge event, aimed at raising awareness and promoting healthy sexual practices. After the launch, we will offer classes and workshops every Thursday through Sunday at 6:30 PM PST. These sessions will provide valuable insights and education on various topics, including controlled sex dreams and meditations, sexual senses, creating sexual spaces, foreplay and erogenous zones, sexercise, discovering pleasures, exploring partners, massage, erotic talk, orgasms, sexual styles, Kama Sutra, tantra, fetish and kink, fantasy and roleplaying, quickies, all-nighters, fellatio, cunnilingus, anal play for men and women, flirting and seduction, touching, kissing, differently abled individuals in sexual relationships, and monetizing creativity in adult entertainment.

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